
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Week 10: Email Marketing

I don't think that having a news letter for the wedding site would really do much to grow business. Mainly because in theory people only get married once. Because it's a one time event they are only our customer for six months to a year. What we have to say at this moment in time may not matter to half of our email list in a month.

The only way I could see a news letter being some what helpful is if wedding planners subscribed to us. But even then the wedding market is so saturated with other blogs and market monsters such as and that I don't know how we could compete. Maybe we could send out seasonal advertisements, but then that gets tricky because people that have already booked with us will want to know why they are not receiving the same deal. Other than that we could possibly send out an extension of our wedding blog and post wedding success stories and how their wedding was different.

While email blasts don't work for the wedding side of our business, the golf side sends out weekly and monthly email blasts. These emails contain information about discounts, course of the month, tournaments and various golf information. It's good that the golf courses do this because it keeps golfers coming back and paying attention to their email.


  1. I can see how your business is a one time sale (hopefully,:)) I'm thinking that many brides to be may start planning months ahead of time and may be going online looking for ideas and tips. Maybe you could focus each newsletter on once or two specific aspects of planning, and keep an archive of newsletters that they can access if they sign up for your mailing list. I found this wedding planner online who has a newsletter:


  2. Understandable, but I wouldn't give up so easily. Not only does a bride get ready for her wedding, but in the case of women in their 20's, they may have friends preparing or just dreaming of their wedding day. Let's not forget about word-of-mouth and that dreamy-eyed young lady hoping for that perfect day.
