
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Week 4 Defining a Target Market

What's on Your Baby's Bum?

Some basic observations that I noticed immediately is that both websites are targeted toward parents that have children in diapers. The demographics are anyone with children in diapers, typically the ages 0-48 months in age.

The psychographics for Cheap Diaper are that the consumer is buying in bulk and trying to save on diapers. This leads me to believe that they are targeting a lower income household. Econobum on the other hand, target consumers with a higher income given that the diapers range from $12-$15 apiece and can only be bought at specialty/boutique stores. Because of where Econobum sells its diapers they are targeting a specific clientele and that is obvious, if they wanted to sell their diapers to a broader network they would be cheaper in price and sold in department stores. 

One crossover that is stated but I have a hard time believing is that both sites claim to have “affordable” diapers. But, I suppose that depends on the consumer’s definition of “affordable”. Both products also claim to be made of good materials that will be good for children. Both sites are also a one stop diaper shop, consumers can buy all sizes on Cheap Diapers and Econobum has a one size fits all.

The designs say a lot about the brands and who they are trying to market to. With the simple green, white, clean feel, and a name like Eco-blabla people automatically think it’s an environmentally friendly diaper. The fact that they only advertise with Caucasian babies also says something, but that may be a topic for another day. This also ties in with the sociological idea that those in a higher socioeconomic class can afford the luxuries of caring about the environment, while those of a lower enconmic class cannot afford to worry about what they buy so long as it’s a means to an end. Either way it gives the consumer that it is a high end product, which it is. While Just Cheap Diapers is an easy to navigate website, you can buy directly from the website, it’s not as polished as Econobum. As far as advertisement pictures there’s not standard blue eyed, blond hair, Caucasian baby in the Cheap Diapers advertisement. Cheap Diaper is targeting a lower economic class. People are more likely to buy from a company that reflects and relates to their lifestyle.

Call Outs

Econobum – Buy our diapers, they are environmentally friendly!
Cheap Diapers – Buy our diapers, you can buy more for less!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 3 Part 2

Two Websites I Frequent...

Two websites that I frequent often are and I use these websites because I assist with the social media postings for my company's wedding department. These are not necessary websites that I enjoy, in fact I really don't like the back side of WeddingWire because there are too many options and I kind of get lost in it. But, to their credit, they do have a good store front for all advertised venues and services. This is why they are one of the leading wedding sites out there.

As for Pinterest I used to enjoy it for getting DIY idea's and other things but now it's too repetitive and I feel like it's also too commercialized. I hate clicking on an article that I'm interested in and I am sent on a goose chase to track down the information posted on the original link. If there was a way to eliminate the all the duplicate links on Pinterest I think I would go back to using if for personal use. Overall Pinterest has a good thing going with lots of inspiring ideas. What is specifically good about it is that that it appeals to even the most random and particular interest and hobbies. I've never seen someone not be able to find what they were looking for on Pinterest.

My Comments to My Classmates

I commented on Yuu Malo and Tiffany Lehman's post.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Week 3: Aesthetics, Design & Branding

For this assignment I chose to look at and so that I could judge a website that I had no prior experience with. Both of these websites are very busy and cluttered. The looks like something someone just getting started in web design would do. It also kind of reminds me of old myspace when you could still customize your profile. Maybe you can still do that, I dont know, its been years since I was on myspace. Another major problem with is that it is too long, I got lost after two scrolls. In addition, I did not like the white sometimes white text on a black background.

The Not So Pretty 

When looking at the, this site reminded me of really old websites when people were just starting to figure out how to add things. I could see my grandad really liking this site because of all the pictures. Then again he was the type of person that enjoyed just browsing the internet. This site is messy because they use too many attention grabbing ads, everything is bolded and colorful so the viewer loses track of what’s important. The content bar on the left side was a good idea, but having the titles over the same car picture made it very repetitive and uninteresting.

Improvements for both of these sites would be to simplify it. No one wants to really spend time looking for information now in days. For have a better navigation bar or at least a search bar so people can find what they are looking for. The needs less jump out and colorful titles, I would rather see their navigation bar at the top but the left side works if that is where they want to leave it. Overall, if these two sites could be cleaned up and organized people will be more likely to stick around and read them. Honestly could not tell you what the site is about, think it has something to do with cameras. That just goes to show I did not want to stick around long enough to sort through everything and find out.

The Ones We Like 

The websites that have great designs and layouts are, and These sites are also viewed by thousands of people a day and have become extremely successful so they know what works and what does not. They also have little room for error so they put a lot of thought and effort into their design. All three of these sites are very similar in design; the brand is at the top left, navigation bar across the top and four rotating attention grabbing photos. The photos are of what’s new, what’s next, something that relates to the customer, all without giving away too much information. For example, I did not know what a Toyota Miria so I had to investigate further. Ah-ha and just like that, they pulled me in!

Why Toyota, Ford and Apple Work

When a potential buyer is looking at these websites, the viewer is met with strong supportive branding. The sites are clean, professional and easy to navigate. They also do a good job at telling us what we want. Apples site says “It’s finally here” with a picture of an IPhone 7, it’s telling us it’s here and we need to buy it. Due to the ease and ability to navigate the websites the company is able to make a good impression on the consumer. The consumer gets pulled into the ads and inevitably the culture that comes with that product, they have then become branded by the brand. Why sift through all the car information that comes with when you can just go to People like when things are clean, easy and pretty much telling us what to buy. This is why these sites are such a hit and the brand is so successful.