
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week 1, Blog 2. Social Media Platforms and Their Uses

I believe that Instagram and Snap Chat seem to be geared more towards personal use. Facebook and Twitter are both business and personal, Facebook is probably slightly more personal than twitter. Lastly blogging seems really business related but sometimes dabbles in personal life.

Instagram and Snap-chat are very personal web forms. I don't often see people trying to sell products on either platform. I see some but limited sales on Instagram, but I don't know anyone who has purchased from Instagram. But overall both platforms are showing what the individual user is into, what they do in their day to day life, bragging and just taking cool "in the moment" types of pictures.

 Facebook is particularly personal because users can join specific groups and discuss opinions. Users can also post pictures, videos and write what is going on in their life and Facebook holds on to it in a time line so you can really see how things progress. Having a Facebook is almost as common as having an email address, it is even replacing email in some cases. But, it can also be used for businesses trying to push their events like in the entertainment industry or fitness companies have an easy access showing how their product works. A friend of mine joined a fitness group that required them to post to Facebook every time they worked out or they would be disqualified. While it was free advertising for them and we saw the results of our friend it was also extremely annoying.

Twitter, well Twitter is a weird one. Users can give a shout out about what they are doing but it also gives them a chance to connect with other users on the same topic. Twitter also helps news travel extremely fast. As far as products and companies go, company can directly and publicly respond to clients and guests, this can be both good and bad. In my opinion Twitter also gives celebrities a bigger platform to back/advertise certain things. If a Kardashian tweets about how awesome a pair of shoes are, chances are they are going to be a high ticket item.

Blogging, to me, seems like it is totally business related because often times they are used to review a product. I know when I am looking into buying new technologies or a high priced item, I jump online to see what critics are saying about it. These reviews can either work for or against a company and its product. There are many people out there that blog about their life or travels, some of my friends have blogged about their Yoga adventures in distant places, honestly I just look to Facebook to see what they've done.Maybe that's just me, but I'm not overly interested in following someones blog.

Social media is strange, it's all around us and not going anywhere any time soon. Because it is so common in our daily lives its hard to separate and categorize what they are best used for. It took me several times to figure out which order to put these social medias in and that's not even all of the ones out there. I am interested to see how my class mates responded to this. 

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