
Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 3 Part 2

Two Websites I Frequent...

Two websites that I frequent often are and I use these websites because I assist with the social media postings for my company's wedding department. These are not necessary websites that I enjoy, in fact I really don't like the back side of WeddingWire because there are too many options and I kind of get lost in it. But, to their credit, they do have a good store front for all advertised venues and services. This is why they are one of the leading wedding sites out there.

As for Pinterest I used to enjoy it for getting DIY idea's and other things but now it's too repetitive and I feel like it's also too commercialized. I hate clicking on an article that I'm interested in and I am sent on a goose chase to track down the information posted on the original link. If there was a way to eliminate the all the duplicate links on Pinterest I think I would go back to using if for personal use. Overall Pinterest has a good thing going with lots of inspiring ideas. What is specifically good about it is that that it appeals to even the most random and particular interest and hobbies. I've never seen someone not be able to find what they were looking for on Pinterest.

My Comments to My Classmates

I commented on Yuu Malo and Tiffany Lehman's post.

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