
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week1A: My Template

Honestly I chose the template I did because it looked cute and girly. I might have picked a different one had I been able to preview the other templates. But, for now humming birds and yellow to peach ombre will work. If I had to dig deeper I probably chose this layout because it reminds me of stationary paper used for creating cards. Since I'm creating something why not go with something that makes me feel creative? I will probably add more to this as I go along and idea's come to me, but for now it's kind of weird writing about a template.


  1. Hi Montes

    I totally agree with you about writing about a template. It is challenging to write a blog, when we have never written or used a blog before. I like that you used a template that says something about you. I am sure as we advanced through the semester, we are going to learn how to blog successfully.

  2. I almost used this template as well. It's very bright and welcoming.

  3. I commented on Laira Ellis, Isabel Hernandaz, Matthew Truss and Travis Stehmeier.

  4. Wow, I don't think I even noticed this template when creating my blog. I really like it and can totally see how it might spark some creativity. Nice Choice!

  5. Beautiful colors make this template feminine and pretty. Your creativity should shine!
