
Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 4 Post B: My Targeted Market

I learned a lot of targeting markets with this week’s readings. So much so that I ventured into backside of my company’s Facebook ads to take a look at who they were targeting and making some adjustments to it. It was really interesting to see how facebook will make suggestions on helping you find and adjust to your targeted market. I changed out targeted age from 18-55 to 22-45 for interests in weddings. The only reason I chose to keep it at 22 is because there are some younger women out there that get engaged right out of college and their parents plan to through them a lovely wedding. Other than that reason I would have changed it to 24-40 years old for our targeted market. The weddings that I have personally attended for old coupled getting married for the second time or just later in life tend to have very small intimate weddings and are not looking at places like Twin Oaks for weddings. 

Overall, after looking at our Facebook reach, our target is women, 22-45, engaged, engaged 3 months, engaged 6 months (based off Facebook options), hetero and homosexual weddings, 50 miles of San Diego, interested in weddings and wedding planning. I think this is a pretty good target but am interested to see what everyone else thinks of this targeted audience and what their suggestions are.

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