
Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 5 B: Facebook and Insights

Who See's You and Who's Talking to You 


From my understanding, the difference between post reach and post engagement is that post reach is who sees versus who is talking about it. Post reach is which of your follows see what you posted maybe they opened it, looked at or just skimmed past it is but either way they saw the post in their news feed, but it did not go anywhere past that. Post engagement is when people comment, share your post, like the post and possibly click through to the website. This gets people engaging with your content and gives you the chance to interact with those individuals, which ultimately may pull more people into the conversation.

Looking Behind the Curtain

Insights help the company see which demographic is viewing their post the most and which post is doing the best. For example, 94% of my followers are females and 6% are males. 50% of our followers are between 22-35 years old. In the past month I have seen that people are more likely to engage with short videos I post, followed by Instagram photos that I connect to Facebook. Sadly, the posts that get the least attention are the ones that I put the most effort into – my blog posts. An individual post has been viewed 27 times within 48 hours whereas a photo has been seen 100 times in 48 hours. I have also learned from insights is which day and when the best time of day to post on Facebook is. Example, Thursday’s around 7 p.m. is a prime time to capture the attention of brides to be. Insights can be really helpful but also don’t give you definitive answers, they just show content trends.

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