
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Week 8: Using Twitter A

Carmel Mountain Ranch Country Club @clubcmr

I checked out our sister venue @clubcmr. Their tweet account is very dated. The cover photo is an ad that they used for Easter Brunch. This should be updated with golf tournaments, wedding photos or their Thursday afternoon club. This stands out because they have other tweets newer than their cover photo. The did do a good job with having colors that match their website and the photos they tweet are spectacular.

Next was Rancho Bernardo Inn @RBernardoInn

I thought that they would have a very detailed impressive twitter but they don’t. Their Facebook is really where it’s at. But, to their credit they do post often, have twice as many followers than they are following and are always promoting their deals. Their colors match their main page. With as many followers as they have, they have not tweeted anyone or sent out replies. They don’t have many wedding photos which is surprising because they are our companies biggest wedding producer. Most venues share wedding photos and bring attention to the photographer, but this is not the case this time.

Temecula Creek Inn @TCreekInn

Hmmm... this handle looks familiar. It is the same format as @RBernardoInn, clever. TCreekInn has a much warmer feel to their account, they are business but then also have funny posts. It seems like many staff members oversee their site because it’s just more diverse with weddings, golf and food. They take the cake in our company for having the most followers (1,346) and only following 121. Whatever it is that they’re doing, maybe it’s the humor in the page, its working wonders. Out of all our companies twitter accounts its doing the best, up to date and diverse. I’ll look to this one for some inspiration.

Our arch rival…

I could not find Twin Oaks House and Garden on twitter. But I did see that their website is our twitter handle name…maybe we can take back some of the traffic they take away from us, muahahaha!


 None of these twitters are pulling from their Facebook or Instagram accounts. I was really hoping that one of them would use the side wigits or have groups so I could see what they were looking into and try to copy them. TCI gave me some good idea's on how to add my own voice and creativity into our twitter site. I'm going to try engaging with clients and figuring out how to join the conversation. I was thinking thought that maybe we should combine Twin Oaks weddings with Twin oaks golf like our sister sites do. This way weddings could get more followers. The only downside to that is people (in theory) only get married once, so they are only looking for a venue once. It's a high follower turn over. But at the same time, I don't think the average golfer wants to see wedding stuff on a golf page.

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