
Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 14 A: Optimizing Yourself and the Company

Some area's that I want to pay attention to on my analytic page is Behavior - New vs. Returning and Engagement. Most of our visitors are only with us for 0-10 seconds but we do have an average duration of 00:02:01 on our web page so that's good. I need to find a way to better engage them so they look around more on Facebook or just go straight to our website.  

Interests need to be constantly looked at and refreshed so i have an idea of what they like and how that could be trending. For example, a lot of our viewers are info apparel and accessories so think i should have "wedding ring" as one of my Facebook interests to reach those that are looking at engagement rings. Might be a good way to reach out to more men. 

I have gone through and liked all my classmates Facebook pages. 

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