
Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 11 B

 After further research Linked In is not something that Twin Oaks Weddings is going to look into for the time being. Our golf course has a Yelp page that we do not pay for so we have limited access to what we can post on there. We have a few wedding reviews, but from our experiance getting reviews on WeddingWire and the Knot are more important. These sites generate more leads than Yelp. For golf though - Yelp is very helpful. I can't post any deals for weddings on Yelp but I did post one in WeddingWire - 

I have been better about posting on Google+ and getting involved with various wedding communities. The communities are so massive that it's a bit of a turn off and not many of our prefered vendors or local competitors really use Google+. I know it's good to use for SEO and good placement, it's just kind of confusing. 

We have had several Groupon deals for our golf side and it's great because everyone knows about groupon. It's called Intro2Golf, that gets a lot of traction. The down fall of groupon is that they take a large chunk of the money from the sale. Another thing that is bad about Groupon from our experience is that it is hard to get a coupon taken down. Until recently we did not know that we had a deal floating around in New Mexico for a course that had already closed for the season. I had to tell the guest the bad news that we were already closed and that the coupon was old but we would still honor it of course. It took about a month to get through to Groupon and have them remove the deal. We had already requested for it to be taken down the previous year but that never happened. Not sure if we just had terrible luck with them or if this is a common experience. On a personal level when I see good groupons to salons i just call and ask if I should buy the groupon or if they will honor the deal so they get the full amount of money. 

I attempted to post a deal on RetailMeNot for the Golf Course about our 20/30 club, but it looks like it did not make it. I need to further research how to get an add on there.  

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