
Friday, December 16, 2016

WEEK 12 B: Analyzing Online Marketing

Driving traffic and Leads 

For facebook we use Driving traffic and Leads and currently spend $10 a day, which is around 10 clicks a day. I think this is fine right now because no one is really looking for venues in december. But I think we should look to spend more money maybe $15-$20 a day in February and March when people are starting to look for venues. Another good time to boost our posts is when there is a large deployment going out, when that happens we usually get a lot of last minute military weddings weddings. 

After further research and listening to WeddingWires podcasts I would want to turn most of our attention to instagram ads and spend about $15 dollars a day. I haven't really seen a lot of wedding venues do instagram ads, so if we could get there before the others do that would be great. But before I can suggest doing that to my company I need to gain more followers on Instagram in order for marketing to give me the go ahead. When looking at Instagram insights I Have noticed that we do have a higher reach and engagements. But, the total impressions are still not the same high numbers that facebook has. Facebook also has a longer post life than Instagram. 

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