
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Week 15 A: Wrapping Things Up & Looking Ahead

The social medias that integrate best with my business are Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. I prefer these because they are easy to use, show off our photos and have large followings. Facebook scheduler is easy to use. I'm still not a huge fan of Twitter and it's not something i want to focus on. I am able to post to twitter easily because I have linked a hashtag to my twitter account so whenever I write #weddingsattwinoaks it sends it to Twitter like an original post. But I am interested in following the wedding conversation on Twitter and what's trending.I like the idea of a blog but I'm also not a very good story teller so blogging is not my strong point. Besides that, I'm not passionate about weddings so it's hard to put passion into my righting.

In the next couple of months I'm going to make it a point to add more content to all of our Google+ pages so that it helps our placement and it seems like the content is always fresh. I don't think Google+ is time sensitive like the other platforms.

For weddings I think I need to spend about 4 hours a week figuring out what photos I am going to post that week. That can be anywhere from 7-14 photos on Instagram. But I need to find better things to post on Facebook besides photos. I will post my Monday-Friday posts between 8-9 p.m. and Saturday Sunday posts before 10 a.m. We are having our open house in a couple of months so that should give us plenty to write about.

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